Filming for the Delaware Historical Society (LH)
Sun, May 13
|Location TBD
Notes: We are working with the Delaware Historical Society and Delaware College of Arts and Design on a national education program that focuses on the Delaware Continentals and Delaware militia in 1777 timeframe. We will be filming all day and need at least 10 soldiers and musicians for this film p

Time & Location
May 13, 2018, 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Location TBD
About the event
All Members:
Length of Event: All Day – 7:30am – 4pm (at the latest)
Arrival Time For Regiment: 7:30am
Parking: Please park where indicated. Look for MIRV.
Restrooms: Indoors – fully functioning inside Visitor Center
Food and Beverages Provided: Yes – by Regiment or event organizer for breakfast and lunch.
Encampment Setup Level: Large
Camp Kitchen Setup: Yes
Camp Kitchen Tent Fly: No
Supply Tent Setup: Yes
In Ground or Above Ground Fire Permitted: Yes – in ground
Individual Soldier Tents Permitted: Yes
Water Provided: Yes – check with staff at location
Straw Provided: No
Firewood Provided: No – need to bring firewood
Soldier Specific:
Impression: Delaware Continental uniform preferred. Early war. Please note that we will ask that all soldiers be clean shaven and have no beards, mustaches, or goatees for this shoot. Also – bring all of your gear as we may do different looks – even militia so bring it all please!
Kit Level: Full kit
Musket Firing: Yes
Musician Specific:
Contact Musician Sergeant-Major for music to be played at this event. Military calls also to be demonstrated too if possible.
Civilian Specific:
Impression: Civilian followers of a military camp are not part of this filming per filming team. Can be Supporters. See below.
Supporter Specific:
Please assist in setup and/or breakdown if possible. Also – please bring camera or video camera to take photographs or video if possible. We will look to take posed photos that will be used to help educate the public if possible at each event this year.