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Mount Harmon - (R/T)

Sat, Oct 27


Mount Harmon Plantation

Notes: This is a full weekend reenactment event in Mount Harmon, MD. Please see below for additional details from the event organizers.

Registration is Closed
See other events
Mount Harmon - (R/T)
Mount Harmon - (R/T)

Time & Location

Oct 27, 2018, 8:00 AM – Oct 29, 2018, 3:00 PM

Mount Harmon Plantation, 600 Mt Harmon Rd, Earleville, MD 21919, USA


About the event

From Us - 1st Delaware Regiment - Be sure to sign up and register online in the Events page asap if you plan on attending this weekend as well as email me (a simple reply to this email - works) too since I need to know the following:

1. When are you arriving? Do you need anything? Clothing? Accouterments? Any borrowed or regiment muskets MUST be cleaned prior to and after each usage. Actually goes for all muskets really.

2. For Military – soldiers and musicians – are you participating in the battle?

3. When are you leaving?

4. Which meals are you going to be at and want to be fed by the Regiment? Friday evening – dinner, Saturday – breakfast, lunch (this is a cold lunch), dinner, Sunday – brunch (everything left over and then some). This will then allow us to properly setup an appropriate meal plan for the weekend.

5. Are there any duties you wish to volunteer for? Cooking, camp guard duty, patrols/skirmish, water duty, firewood duty, etc. If you don’t volunteer you will be assigned a task within our encampment – no worries a lot of this is common sense. If everyone does a little that makes it easy for all. You WILL be well fed and hydrated!

6. Are you staying overnight and need a tent? If so – we do have additional tents – I just need to know in advance to properly prepare for this event.

7. If attending on Friday – would you like to participate in a school program? So far we have Mary Torbey and I doing this on Friday.


  1. Chris Mlynarczyk – Military - Soldier - Friday School Program - All weekend - All meals
  2. John Foskey – Military - Soldier - Saturday and Sunday - All meals - 1DR Tent #1
  3. Ralph Denlinger – Military - Soldier - Saturday
  4. Jeff Gibson – Military - Soldier - All weekend - All meals - 1DR Tent #2
  5. Chris Theibault – Military - Soldier - All weekend - All meals - 1DR Tent #3
  6. Will Harrell – Military – Soldier +
  7. Will’s parent – Dave and/or Edris
  8. Joe Milians – Military – Soldier+ fiancé Debra???
  9. Terry Dunham – Military - Soldier
  10. Fane Wheeler – Military - Soldier
  11. Logan Wheeler – Military - Soldier
  12. Robert Allen – Military - Soldier - Saturday only ~8am-4pm
  13. John Osborn – Military – Soldier
  14. Parke John – Military - Soldier
  15. Blaine Glowiak – Military - Soldier
  16. Jacob Martin – Military - Soldier
  17. Kirk Evans - Military - Soldier + wife + 3 yr old kid???
  18. Mary Torbey – Military – Musician - Fifer - Friday School Program and Saturday - All meals on Saturday
  19. Nevan – Military – Musician – Drummer + - Saturday only
  20. Heather Wray (Nevan’s Mother)
  21. Marty Ersts – Military – Musician – Fifer + wife Eva???
  22. Alicia Gibson – Civilian – Civilian Camp Coordinator + - All weekend - All meals - 1DR Tent #2
  23. Beatrix - All weekend - All meals - 1DR Tent #2
  24. Ellie - All weekend - All meals - 1DR Tent #2
  25. Jenna Dean – Civilian + - All weekend - All meals - 1DR Tent #3
  26. Oliver - All weekend - All meals - 1DR Tent #3
  27. Wynnie - All weekend - All meals - 1DR Tent #3
  28. Jennifer Dunham - Civilian
  29. Lynn King - Civilian - Saturday
  30. Stephanie Billon – Civilian - Friday evening - Sunday - All meals
  31. Lynn Allen – Civilian - Saturday only ~8am-4pm
  32. Heloise Osborn - Civilian

From the Event Organizers:

Situation: Sept 1777 – General Howe has sent part of his army, under General Knyphausen, across the Elk River to raid the area around Cecil County, Maryland. Part of this raiding force has orders to establish a forward outpost, gather supplies, and guard the landing area. In response to the Crown actions, Washington has sent General Smallwood with some Continentals and the Maryland state militia to counter the Crown foraging efforts. Smallwood is looking to buy some time as part of his forces round up all the area horse and cattle to move them away from the area. Part of Smallwood’s forces have dug in to try to cut off the British forces and hem them into the area where they landed.

The first day’s actions (Saturday) will focus on the Crown raiding efforts, and actions will including scouting out the rebel positions, foraging, and skirmishing, ending with an assault on the American positions. Actions will also include operations from the Royal Navy in support of the land forces.

The second day’s actions (Sunday) will see continued foraging and skirmishing between the two forces. The British forces will then move off with the supplies they have gathered to rejoin the main army. American forces will try to prevent their departure. The Crown soldiers will have to defend their landing area before making their escape. A heavy rearguard action is anticipated.

1. Impressions should be geared towards the Philadelphia Campaign of 1777 as much as possible. For us - Delaware Continental. early-mid war. If not - Local Militia.

2. We will be rotating with the British Brigade in work details in the fortifications, so troops are requested to bring their axes, shovels, and other tools.

3. A food vendor will be on site Friday for those that do not want to leave the site Friday evening. Menu - Pork barbeque, hot dogs, drinks, snacks

4. There will be a Petty Sutler and Laundry area set up. The troops will be paid by their battalion paymasters, these funds will be the only funds accepted for payment

5. Tim Abbott of the 1st NJ, will be constructing a brush arbor at Brigade HQ on Friday and is looking for volunteers.

6. Upon arrival please check with your Battalion CO and QM for tent placement. Inform your membership not to set up their canvas until they have spoken with the QM or someone on your battalion staff.

7. The CL schedule is open to some “minor” changes.

8. Will send out any updates as a block if I get any.

The Order of Battle:

CO: Lt.Col. Ken Gavin

BrigadeMajor: Capt. Kevin Coyle

QM: Capt. Doug Bender

Music Master: Capt. Alden Everett

Aid de camp Capt. Tom Vogeley

Aid de camp Capt. Dave Study

Chaplin Tim


CO: William Myers

Adjutant: Hudson Hughes

Units attending:

1st VA

7th VA

9th PA



Louisiana Artillery

Mott's Artillery


West Jersey Artillery

2nd Albany Militia


CO: Maj. Bert Puckett

Adjutant: Lt. TBD

Mounted officers: Capt. TBD

DismountedOfficer: Lt. TBD

Paymaster Lt.

QM Sgt. Sgt. TBD

Units Attending:

1st Regt LD

2nd Cont LD

2nd NC

2nd SC

3rd Cont LD

SC Militia

4th Cont LD

Irregular Battalion:

CO: Major John Godzieba 5th PA

Adjutant Lt. Denis Cooke 5th PA

Paymaster Lt.

QM Sgt. Tom Thurber Marines

Light Infantry Division

CO: Capt. Dave Hospador 3rd PA

Lt. Tim Abbott 1st NJ

1st Sgt Larry Schmidt 1st NJ

Rifle Division

CO: Capt. Mike Cecere 7th VA

Lt. Greg Fisher 7th VA

Lt. Chuck Faust Donegals

1st Sgt Chris Campana Donegals

Units attending:

1st NJ

1st Regt LD

1st VA

24th CT Militia

3rd PA

5th PA

7th VA


Outwater's Militia

Simon Hunt's Co

Trevet's Marines

Infantry Battalion:

CO: Major Eric Chetwynd

Adj. Lt. Dave Bernier

Colors Ensign (2nd Grand Division) TBD

Colors Ensign (1st Grand Division) TBD


Sgt. Maj. / QM Luke Henniger

1st Divsion - Capt. Dava Rock


1st Sgt. TBD

2nd MA

3rd MA

Saintonge (4th Middlesex)

Heard's Brigade

4th CT

2nd RI

5th NY

2nd Division - Capt. Dave Skorka

Lt. Nick Dalrymple

1st Sgt. Tom Bowen

2nd NJ

German Regt

1st DE

1st NY

1st Cont

3rd Division – Capt. Christian Klemp


1st Sgt Michael White

1st VA

11th PA

6th PA

1st MD

7th VA


Friday, September 14th

8:00 a.m. Camps Open to Reenactors

9:00 a.m. School Programs in Camp on Life in the Continental Army

(Ongoing on a Rotating Basis until 1:30 p.m.)

Saturday, September 15th

7:00 a.m. Reveille Followed by Breakfast

8:00 a.m. All Vehicles Out of Camp

8:45 a.m. Divisions Size and Form in Respective Camps

(1st Sergeants to Distribute Pay at This Time)

9:00 a.m. Camps Open to the General Public

9:00 a.m. Joint Continental Line and British Brigade Fatigue Detail on Fortifications

(Fatigue work ceases at 10:00 a.m.; men assigned to fatigue will be excused from the March-In)

9:15 a.m. Battalions Depart for Assembly Area for March-In

9:45 a.m. Brigade March-In to Camp Steps Off

10:00 a.m. Continental Line Cavalry Demonstration in the Designated Demonstration Area

10:15 a.m. Brigade Arrives at Camp

10:30 a.m. Battalion Commanders to Conduct Drill at Division and Battalion Level

10:30 a.m. Rotating Patrols Begin (Those platoons assigned to patrol will be excused from drill)

10:30 a.m. Boat Camp Tours (Meet at the Pier)

11:00 a.m. Brigade Sutler, Laundry, and Market Demonstrations Commence

(Will provide goods and foodstuff in exchange for Continental Currency that the soldiers will be paid in)

11:00 a.m. Tour of Continental Forces Camp and Immersive Camp Life Demonstrations (Public Meets CL Laundry Club Representative at the Flag Pole)

11:30 a.m. Boat Camp tours - Dock

11:30 a.m. Continental Line Battalion Adjutants Call with Field Returns Due at Brigade Headquarters

12:00 p.m. Lunch/Nooning

1:00 p.m. Children’s Musket Drill led by Continental Line (In Front of the Mansion circle)

1:00 p.m. Main Battle Walk Through at Front of Main House (Continental Line and British Brigade Command Staffs and Battalion Commanders Only)

1:00 p.m. Tour of Continental Forces Camp and Immersive Camp Life Demonstrations (Public Meets CL Laundry Club Representative at the Flag Pole)

1:30 p.m. Auction (front of mansion)

2:15 p.m. Divisions Size and Form in Respective Camps

2:30 p.m. Brigade Formation and March to Battle Area

3:00 p.m. Battle Demonstration Begins

Brigade sutlery and Laundry operations cease

3:45 p.m. Battle Demonstration Ends/Brigade Marches Back to Camp

4:00 p.m. Site Closes to the General Public

4:30 p.m. Supper

5:00 p.m. Joint Blanket Sale at the Flag Pole

5:00 p.m. Mount Harmon Major Donor Reception at the Visitor Center

(Continental Line Brigade Staff and Battalion Commanders Only)

7:00 p.m. Joint Continental Line and British Brigade Tavern at the Mansion Garden

9:00 All Patrols cease

11:00 p.m. Quiet in Camp

Sunday, September 16th

7:00 a.m. Reveille Followed by Breakfast

9:00 a.m. Continental Line Church Call at the Mansion House Garden

9:30 a.m. Brigade Formation/Reading of General Orders/Drill at Discretion of Battalion Commanders

10:00 a.m. Camps Open to the General Public

10:00 a.m. Continental Line Battalion Adjutants Call with Field Returns Due at

Brigade Headquarters

10:00 a.m. Brigade Sutler, Laundry, and Market Demonstrations Commence

(Operations Cease at 2:00 p.m.)

10:30 a.m. Tour of Continental Forces Camp and Immersive Camp Life Demonstrations (Public Meets CL Laundry Club Representative at the Flag Pole)

10:30 a.m. Boat Camp Tours (Meet at the Pier)

11:00 a.m. CL Artillery Demonstration in the Public Demonstration Area

11:00 a.m. Main Battle Walk Through at Front of Main House (Continental Line and British Brigade Command Staffs and Battalion Commanders Only)

11:30 a.m. Tour of Continental Forces Camp and Immersive Camp Life Demonstrations (Public Meets CL Laundry Club Representative at the Flag Pole)

12:00 p.m. Lunch/Nooning

12:45 p.m. Divisions Size and Form in Respective Camps

1:00 p.m. Brigade Formation and March to Battle Area

1:30 p.m. Battle Demonstration Begins

2:15 p.m. Battle Demonstration Ends/Brigade Marches Back to Camp

3:00 p.m. Site Closes to Public/Camp Breakdown and Departure

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